What are Fish Ladders?

In today’s world, we are constantly confronted with human needs that can effect the environmental surroundings. Read the attached article and answer the questions that follow.

What are fish ladders? | HowStuffWorks

1. What are the two significant journeys that fish make in their lifetime?
2. Before the world became developed what were the two biggest threats to fish?
3. What is the function of a fish ladder?
4. Provide four factors that must be considered when designing fish ladders.
5. What two species of fish have an advantage in high flowing areas of water due to their ability to swim in powerful bursts?
6. Provide two disadvantages of fish ladders.

Take Two Sponges and Call Me in the Morning.

Mariculture is the farming of the sea for food and other resources. In 2004, there was 18.3 million metric tons of fish and shellfish alone cultured with an estimated value of 28.9 million dollars. Mariculture is growing three times faster than live stock production on land, with 34% of all fish consumed around the world being farm raised. Many human benefits are obtained from cultured species, but at what cost?
Read the article. Take Two Sponges and Call Me in the Morning on page 397 of you textbook. After reading the article,
1. List four different medical conditions in which sponges heal or provide relief for.
2. List four different creatures from the sea which are currently providing materials for medical use.
3. What are bryostatins used for?
4. Provide two uses for Squalamine.
5. What is tetrodotoxin and what is it used for?
6. List four different marine organisms that are being cultured to study their antitumor capabilities.

In one paragraph, convince me that the modification and destruction of habitats, the domesticating of wild organisms, and the impacting of humans as a whole on the marine environment is worth it.

Artificial Reefs – Good or Bad?

Artificial reefs have been around for some time now. They were originally designed for ecological use. Read the attached article. Your answer should have six parts.
1. What were the first artificial reefs used for?
2. What was the first ecological use for an artificial reef and where did it take place?
3. Pick one of the points listed under the Pro’s and discuss how and why that is a pro.
4. Pick one of the points listed under the Con’s and discuss how and why that is a con. Remember to provide support for your choices.
5. Under the law section there is brief mention of common laws among countries, opt for one of the laws, the one you think is most important, and discuss why that is the most important law.
6. In your opinion, would you consider an artificial reef to be a type of aquaculture? Explain your answer.
7. Provide a brief discussion on why an artificial reef is good or bad. Be sure to providence evidence to support your answer. (you may need to research further)


The Pro’s and Con’s of Artificial reefs | RUSHKULT-2ig1wzo

Invasive Species

Read the attached article and on the lionfish and answer the following questions.

Why are lionfish a threat to Atlantic Ocean fish?-1yv88ug

  1. How do scientists think the lion fish arrived in the Atlantic Ocean?
  2. Explain why it would be hard to eradicate any marine invaders.
  3. How can the lion fish possible effect the commercial species?
  4. Explain how an invader such as the lion fish can effect the overall balance of the new habitat.

Tagging Sea Life

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Technology is ever increasing and has been used to make many great advances in the medical field, automotive industry, and now in monitoring animals.  Read the attached article and answer the following questions.

U.S. Animal Telemetry Network

1. What is telemetry?

2. What five important pieces of information does telemetry help us understand?

3. What is the importance of this information?

4. Is telemetry worth doing when the expense of it is high? Provide some reasons for your answer.

5. Regardless of your stance on telemetry, make an argument on which type of animal you can use it on in the ocean and the purpose to why you would use it?

Symbiotic? What type?

Read the following linked article. In your response discuss what type of symbiotic relationship is taking place between the coral and zooxanthellae. Include the other two types of symbiotic relationships in your answer.  Provide at least three different facts that will support your determination of the symbiotic relationship.Decide whether corals or plants or animals and provide a reason for your decision.

Are corals animals or plants?


Reading the following article linked below.  Discuss four ways in which mollusks are important to humans.  Also discuss how being filter feeders is detrimental to many mollusks, particularly bivalves.  Once you have established the reason for bivalves being in danger, use past knowledge to discuss why it is ever more apparent today than many years ago.


Are Echinoderms Really Important?


Reading the articles linked below.  Once you have finished reading the articles, post your response.  The response should be of three parts.  The first part should include how Echinoderms are economically important to the human race (3 reasons).  The second part of your response should include two reasons on why Echinoderms are threatened.  The final part of your response should discuss why Echinoderms are a “Keystone species” and how their removal could effect the marine ecosystem.

Echinoderms on the Shores of Singapore

Tagging Echinoderms